Virtual Reality Right Now

Where is Virtual Reality Currently?
The Virtual Reality world has always been a wanted thing from people that are interested in technology. Throughout the years of virtual reality, people have asked what technology would help people see and interact with virtual reality? The technology that is helping people see virtual reality is the VR Headset. A VR headset is a headset that you put over your eyes like if you were putting on goggles. Holding the headset is a strap that can be tightened and worked on for better comfort. Putting on the headset, you will see a,” immersion simulation” (Carter,2023). What the vr is doing is,” replacing our real-world view with a computer-generated alternative”(Carter,2023). The Vr Headset has two controls that looking into the vr headset, are hands. The Headset connects to these controls and the person that is using it will be able to engage with the virtual reality. More about the headset, it contains a lens that helps the human eye see more of it. The headset includes,” screens, cameras, motion sensors, and infrared LEDs” (Carter,2023). The most current and what the example will be is the meta quest 3. What a lot of people are looking for in a VR headset is,”a few basic criteria: Ergonomics, Immersion and controls” (Hardawar,2023). The meta quest 3 has gotten these basic criteria with more upgrades from its previous headset, the meta quest 2. Also, the meta quest 3 is using the,” new Snapdragon XR2 Gen 2”(Meta,2023) which means that it is the first device in the world to be using this GPU.

Problems Virtual Reality Faces
Currently one of the biggest problems with vr headsets are their effects on your senses. Eye strain comes as a result of a screen being so close to the users eyes and the unnatural delivery of visual stimuli. It is also due to users trying to focus on the screen in front of them as if it is the real world however it is just a pixel screen in front of their eyes causing their focus on the world to strain their eyes. It becomes important to take frequent breaks from vr to allow your eyes to rest and recover. This problem is especially prevalent with children who's vision and perception are still under development, the overuse of vr headsets by these people may cause lasting damage. The use of vr headsets often leads to dizziness and nausea. The realism of vr can lead to a change in perception resulting in something similar to motion sickness. Current vr headsets present content in a way the requires your eyes and brain to process information in a way that does not come naturally. Another cause of eye strain in the field of view that current consumer vr headsets offer. Current vr headsets have a general range of 35 to 50 degrees field of vision while the normal human field of view is 200 degrees. The weight of the headset can also put great pressure on your eye sockets and face during extended use.